Why SMBs Are High on Risk

Dec 26, 2022

Understanding the risks and taking steps to protect SMBs

Awareness Training

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are often targeted by cyber attacks and phishing attacks for a variety of reasons. These attacks can have serious consequences for SMBs, including financial losses, damage to reputation, and disruption of business operations.

One reason that SMBs are particularly vulnerable to these types of attacks is that they may not have the resources or expertise to effectively secure their systems and data. Large businesses may have dedicated cybersecurity teams and robust security measures in place, but SMBs may not have the same level of resources or expertise. As a result, they may be more susceptible to cyber attacks and phishing attacks.

Another reason that SMBs are targeted is that they may be seen as an easier target. Cybercriminals may believe that SMBs are less likely to have strong security measures in place and may be more likely to fall for phishing attacks or other types of scams.

SMBs may also be targeted because they may have valuable data that is attractive to attackers. For example, an SMB may have valuable customer data or intellectual property that could be exploited by attackers.

Finally, SMBs may be targeted because they may be seen as a way to gain access to larger organizations. Cybercriminals may use an SMB as a way to gain access to the systems of a larger organization that they are interested in attacking.

It is important for SMBs to be aware of the risks that they face and to take steps to protect themselves from cyber attacks and phishing attacks. Some steps that SMBs can take include educating employees about these threats, using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, installing security software, and regularly backing up important data. By taking these steps, SMBs can better protect themselves and reduce the risk of serious consequences.

Soon we are publishing ISO 27001 policy templates on our website, I hope it will help SMBs to advance their administrative controls.


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