Python Devs Beware: VMConnect is Targeting Your PyPI Packages. Here’s How to Stay Safe

Python Devs Beware: VMConnect is Targeting Your PyPI Packages. Here’s How to Stay Safe

Sep 4, 2023

In the digital marketplace of ideas and innovation, even a single tainted offering can poison the well.


Imagine a bustling digital marketplace, a grand bazaar of the 21st century, where instead of spices, silks, and handcrafted goods, the stalls are filled with libraries of code. This marketplace is called PyPI, the Python Package Index, a repository where developers from around the world come to share their open-source Python libraries. It’s a place of collaboration and innovation, where a single line of code can be the missing puzzle piece that brings an entire project to life.

In this marketplace, trust is the currency. Developers rely on the integrity of the code they find here, often integrating these libraries into applications that power everything from e-commerce websites to critical infrastructure. But what happens when that trust is broken? What if a wolf in sheep’s clothing enters this marketplace, not to contribute, but to exploit? Today, we’re diving deep into an alarming incident that did just that, shaking the foundations of this digital bazaar and leaving us all with questions about how safe we really are in this interconnected world.

What Actually Happened?

In August 2023, the alarm bells rang loud and clear. Security researchers at ReversingLabs made a startling discovery: three Python packages in the PyPI repository—tablediter, request-plus, and requestspro—were not what they appeared to be. These packages were part of a malicious software supply chain campaign known as VMConnect, believed to be orchestrated by North Korean threat actors.

When a developer downloaded one of these tainted packages, they unknowingly unleashed a Trojan horse into their system. This wasn’t just a bug or a glitch; it was a deliberate act of sabotage. The package would download and execute a second-stage malware on the victim’s computer, capable of stealing data, installing additional malicious software, or even taking full control of the system.

This was not a random act but a calculated, targeted campaign designed to exploit the trust and collaborative spirit of the PyPI community. It serves as a sobering reminder that even in a space built on shared knowledge and mutual respect, vulnerabilities exist that can be exploited by those with malicious intent.

The Technical Breakdown

The Malicious Packages

The three packages—tablediter, request-plus, and requestspro—were expertly disguised to mimic legitimate Python packages. This is a common tactic known as “typosquatting,” where the attacker names the package similarly to a well-known package, hoping to catch hurried or mistyped pip install commands.

The Trap

The attackers inserted the malicious code into the file within each of these packages. For those unfamiliar, the file is a special Python file that is automatically executed when a Python package is imported. This means that as soon as a developer installed one of these packages and imported it into their code, the malicious script was executed, initiating the attack.

The Two-Stage Attack

Once the file was executed, these packages initiated a two-stage attack:

  1. First Stage: The initial package acted as a dropper. Upon execution, it would silently download a secondary payload from a remote server.
  2. Second Stage: This secondary payload was the actual malware, capable of a range of malicious activities—from data exfiltration to installing additional malware or even granting full system control to the attacker.

The VMConnect Campaign

The campaign, dubbed VMConnect, was sophisticated. It used encrypted channels to communicate with its command and control servers, making detection and analysis more challenging. Moreover, the malware was modular, meaning it could receive updates and new instructions, adapting over time to avoid detection or to escalate its malicious activities.

The Attribution

While attribution in cyber-attacks is always tricky, the techniques and patterns used in this campaign strongly point towards North Korean threat actors. This adds a layer of geopolitical complexity to the incident, raising questions about the motivations behind the attack and its ultimate objectives.

Why Python Developers?

Python’s popularity in everything from web development to data science makes it a lucrative target. An attacker compromising a Python package could potentially gain access to a wide range of systems and data, given Python’s extensive use in both commercial and academic settings.

Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) and How to Respond

What Are IOCs?

Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) are specific pieces of information that signal a security breach. They serve as the digital fingerprints of an attack, helping you identify whether your system has been compromised. In the case of the VMConnect campaign, we have identified several critical IOCs.

Specific IOCs for VMConnect

  • MD5 Hashes of Malicious Packages:
    • tablediter: 5f6c674755258e9489b49537e35e4116
    • request-plus: 4681592228258163931979647913748
    • requestspro: 3746496951757951044231259133220
  • IP Addresses and domains Hosting Malicious Packages:
    • packages-api.test
  • File Names of Malicious Packages:
    • tablediter-1.0.0.tar.gz
    • request-plus-1.0.1.tar.gz
    • requestspro-1.0.2.tar.gz

How to Scan for These IOCs

You can use various tools to scan your system for these IOCs. For example, you might use a hash-checking tool to verify the MD5 hashes of Python packages you’ve downloaded, or network monitoring software to check for connections to the listed IP addresses.

What to Do if You Find an IOC

If you discover any of these IOCs on your system, immediate action is required:

  1. Isolate the Affected System: Disconnect it from the network to prevent further damage.
  2. Remove Malicious Files: Delete any files with the MD5 hashes or filenames listed above.
  3. Block IP Addresses: Add the malicious IP addresses to your firewall’s blocklist.
  4. Contact Authorities: Report the incident to appropriate cybersecurity agencies and consult experts for a thorough investigation and remediation.

Prevention and Future Safeguards

To protect yourself from similar attacks in the future, always scrutinize package names before installation, keep your software up-to-date, and employ security solutions capable of detecting and blocking known IOCs.

Broader Implications and Lessons Learned

The Fragility of Trust

This incident serves as a stark reminder of how fragile trust can be in the digital realm. The PyPI repository, like many other open-source platforms, operates on a foundation of community trust and collaboration. When that trust is exploited, the ripple effects can be far-reaching, affecting not just developers but also businesses and end-users who rely on the integrity of these packages.

The Business Impact

For businesses, a compromised package can mean more than just a technical hiccup; it can lead to data breaches, financial loss, and a tarnished reputation. The VMConnect campaign shows that even seemingly benign components like Python packages can be weaponized to inflict significant damage.

The Individual User

While the immediate victims of this attack were developers, the end-users of compromised applications are also at risk. Malicious code can steal personal data, facilitate additional malware infections, or even enable cybercriminals to take control of users’ systems.

Lessons Learned

  1. Vigilance in Package Management: Always scrutinize package names and publishers before installation. If possible, stick to well-known and widely-reviewed packages.
  2. Regular Monitoring: Continuously monitor for Indicators of Compromise. Early detection can minimize the impact of an attack.
  3. Community Collaboration: Share any suspicious activity or discoveries with the broader community. Collective vigilance can be a powerful deterrent against future attacks.
  4. Multi-Layered Security: Employ a multi-layered security approach that includes firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems to catch any malicious activities.

Moving Forward

As we continue to navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity, incidents like the VMConnect campaign underscore the need for constant vigilance and proactive defense strategies. By learning from these incidents and adapting our practices, we can aim to fortify our digital walls and make it increasingly difficult for attackers to exploit our systems and data.

For more info you can visit “VMConnect supply chain attack continues, evidence points to North Korea (


The VMConnect campaign serves as a sobering reminder of the vulnerabilities that exist even in spaces we consider safe. From the developers who contribute to open-source repositories to the businesses that rely on these packages, and ultimately to the end-users, the impact of such a breach of trust is both deep and wide-ranging.

As we’ve explored, the technical aspects of the attack are complex, but the lessons are clear. Vigilance, community collaboration, and multi-layered security measures are not just best practices; they are necessities in today’s digital landscape.

In a world where code is an integral part of our daily lives, the integrity of that code is paramount. As the saying goes, “Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair—especially in the realm of code.” Let this incident be a call to action for developers, security professionals, and anyone who interacts with technology, to be ever vigilant and proactive in safeguarding our digital ecosystem.

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