The Rise of Finworth: A Fictional Tale of Ethics and Security in the Finance Industry

Feb 2, 2023

Disclaimer: The names of the companies mentioned in this story are fictional and any resemblance to real companies is purely coincidental. The purpose of this story is to illustrate the importance of ethics and security in the finance industry and is not intended to depict any real events or companies.


Business Issues and the Opportunist

Once upon a time, there was a finance institute named Finworth that was facing business pressure. Despite having a strong ethical background and following regular processes and compliance, the institute’s net revenue was declining. A big financial institution, named Global Finance, saw an opportunity in the struggling finance institute and approached them with a proposal to buy their equity. However, the board of the finance institute, Finworth, denied the offer.

The bad game

Determined to gain inside information, Global Finance attempted to penetrate Finworth’s servers, but found it nearly impossible. They then hired a team of experts in social engineering attacks. The team was given six months to collect valuable information and develop a plan.

The team started with passive reconnaissance on Finworth’s IT team. They tracked the habits and patterns of the key IT personnel, even going so far as to collect their trash. Eventually, the team found the credentials of the network’s administrator and passed the information along to Global Finance.

Their black hat team attempted to gain access to the firewall with the obtained credentials, but the admin had enabled two-factor authentication, foiling their plan. The black hat team then asked the agency to find a DDoS vulnerability or to conduct a social attack on an IT member to distract them into downloading malware.

Wining the bad game

Their plan worked, and the malware was successfully implanted inside Finworth’s network. However, Finworth’s security information and event management (SIEM) detected the unusual activity and stopped the malware before any significant damage could be done.

The next day, Finworth’s IT team found out about the attack and informed the board. The board was shocked to learn about the breach and decided to launch an investigation. They hired a cybersecurity firm to help with the investigation and to strengthen their security measures.

Meanwhile, Global Finance was ecstatic about their success in planting the malware inside Finworth’s network. They believed that they would finally be able to gain access to the valuable information they were after. However, their excitement was short-lived. The malware was discovered by Finworth’s security measures and was unable to spread within the network.


Frustrated by their failure, Global Finance decided to escalate their tactics. They hired a group of hackers to launch a massive DDoS attack on Finworth’s servers. The attack was so powerful that it brought Finworth’s servers to a complete standstill. The attack lasted for three days, and during that time, Finworth was unable to access any of their data or provide their services to their clients.

Meanwhile, Finworth’s investigation was underway, and they were able to track the source of the attack back to Global Finance. Outraged by Global Finance’s unethical behavior, the board of Finworth decided to take legal action against them. They filed a lawsuit, alleging that Global Finance had engaged in cybercrime and illegal business practices.

The news of the lawsuit spread quickly, and the public was shocked to learn about the unethical behavior of Global Finance. Finworth’s reputation was not affected by the attack, and they were even able to gain new clients who were impressed by their commitment to ethics and security.

The lawsuit against Global Finance was a long and difficult battle. However, Finworth was determined to see it through to the end. They hired the best legal team available and provided them with all the evidence they had gathered during their investigation.


Finally, after several months, the trial was held, and the verdict was delivered. Global Finance was found guilty of cybercrime and unethical business practices. They were fined a large sum of money and ordered to pay compensation to Finworth for the damages caused by the attack.

The news of the verdict was welcomed by the public, and Finworth’s reputation was further strengthened. Finworth’s IT team worked tirelessly to improve their security measures, and their business continued to thrive. Finworth’s commitment to ethics and security made them a leader in the finance industry, and their clients trusted them with their money and financial information.

The court case against Global Finance was a turning point for the finance industry. Other financial institutions took notice of the consequences of engaging in unethical and illegal practices, and they too began to prioritize ethics and security in their business dealings.

Finworth continued to grow and expand, and they opened new branches across the country. Their commitment to ethics and security remained at the forefront of their business, and they continued to set the standard for the finance industry.

Years passed, and the once struggling finance institute became one of the largest and most successful finance institutions in the country. Their commitment to ethics and security continued to set them apart, and they remained a leader in the industry.


The story of Finworth and Global Finance became a lesson for future generations of finance professionals. It was a reminder that success in business was not just about profits and growth, but also about upholding strong ethical values and keeping clients’ information secure.

In the end, Finworth’s refusal to sell their equity and their commitment to ethics and security proved to be the key to their success. And as for Global Finance, their reputation was forever tarnished by their unethical behavior, serving as a warning to others about the consequences of engaging in illegal and unethical practices.

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