The CEO Saves the Day: How Information Security Saved a Manufacturing Company from Disaster

Feb 1, 2023

Who is Samantha?

Samantha had always been passionate about manufacturing. From a young age, she had been fascinated by the intricate machinery and technology that went into creating the products that surrounded us in our everyday lives. Her curiosity and interest led her to pursue a degree in engineering, and after graduating, she immediately began working in the field.

She quickly rose through the ranks, impressing her colleagues and supervisors with her knowledge and dedication. Her natural ability to lead and her deep understanding of the industry made her an obvious choice for the position of CEO when the opportunity arose.

Samantha and Information Security

Samantha took the reins of the high-tech manufacturing company with a sense of purpose and determination. She knew that her company’s success would depend on the security of its sensitive information and systems. As such, she made sure that information security was a top priority from the very beginning.

She began by creating a comprehensive information security plan for the company. This plan included regular staff training on security awareness, incident response, and the latest security technologies. She also implemented strict access controls to protect the company’s network and systems.

Samantha knew the threat landscape was constantly evolving and was determined to stay ahead of the curve. She ensured that her team was always up to date on the latest threats and technologies and was always looking for new and innovative ways to protect her company’s information.

monitoring, information security
Monitoring SIEM

The Incident

Despite all her efforts, one day, her IT team discovered that the company’s network had been breached by a zero-day vulnerability. At first, Samantha was devastated. She had put so much time and effort into securing her company’s systems, and now, it seemed as though all of that had been for nothing.

But she quickly realized this incident was an opportunity to learn and grow. Her team had been well-trained and well-prepared, and they knew exactly what to do in case of a security breach. They immediately executed the incident response plan Samantha had put in place, and everyone knew what to do in such a case.

Incident Response

Thanks to Samantha’s foresight and preparation, the impact of the breach was minimized and the company was able to quickly resume its operations. The incident was an eye-opener for Samantha and her team, and they learned from it. They added the incident as a case study in their security training program and shared it with other companies, to help them avoid similar incidents.

Samantha’s commitment to security and her ability to lead the company through a crisis earned her the respect and admiration of her peers and employees. She had become a true leader in the manufacturing industry, and a role model for women in the field.

Years passed and the company continued to grow and expand, but Samantha never lost sight of the importance of security. She continued to stay up to date on the latest threats and technologies, and made sure that the company was always at the forefront of information security. She never stopped advocating for better security practices in the industry and she was a frequent speaker at conferences and events, sharing her knowledge and experience with others.

Samantha the Super Woman and Super CEO

Samantha’s passion for manufacturing and her dedication to information security had led her to the pinnacle of success, both professionally and personally. Her company’s products were known for their precision, reliability, and cutting-edge technology, and her company was highly sought after by clients around the world.

Samantha’s unwavering commitment to information security proved to be a crucial factor in the success of her manufacturing company. Her diligent efforts to prepare and train her staff, as well as her regular information security awareness training, ultimately saved the company from significant harm when a zero-day vulnerability was discovered. Thanks to her proactive approach, the company’s network remained secure and the incident response plan was executed flawlessly, minimizing the impact of the incident. Her leadership and determination not only ensured the continuity of the company’s operations but also served as a shining example of the vital role that information security plays in the success and sustainability of any business. It is a constant reminder that investing time and resources into information security is non-negotiable for any organization that wishes to thrive in today’s digital age

Q & A

What is meant by information security?

Information security includes the protection of the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) of information.

What is information security management?

Information security management is the process of defining the security controls in place to protect sensitive information and data, and ensuring that those controls are effectively implemented and maintained. This includes risk assessment, implementing security policies and procedures, regularly monitoring the security of information systems, and continuously improving the security posture.

Is there a difference between cybersecurity and information security?

Yes, there is a difference between cybersecurity and information security. Information security is a broader term that encompasses all measures taken to protect sensitive information and data. Cybersecurity specifically focuses on the protection of internet-connected systems, including computers, networks, and online data, from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. In other words, cybersecurity is a subset of information security.

Important Links

For more information about Information and Cyber Security you can visit “

NIST Cyber Security Framework:

NIST has released the “Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 Concept Paper: Potential Significant Updates to the Cybersecurity Framework,” outlining potential significant changes to the Cybersecurity Framework for public review and comment. Please provide feedback by March 3, 2023.  The Paper will be discussed at the upcoming CSF 2.0 Workshop #2 on February 15, 2023 and the CSF 2.0 Working Sessions on February 22-23, 2023.

CIS Benchmarks:

2022 SANS Security Awareness Report™:




What is 2FA:

Cybersecurity Evaluation Scoring System:

  1. Adequate preparation and planning: Score of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score for fully prepared and trained team.
  2. Timely detection and response: Score of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score for quick detection and response.
  3. Effective communication: Score of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score for clear and efficient communication throughout the incident response process.
  4. Root cause analysis: Score of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score for a thorough and effective root cause analysis.
  5. Continuous improvement: Score of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score for consistent review and updating of incident response plan.
  6. Compliance: Score of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score for full compliance with relevant regulations and standards.
  7. Incident documentation: Score of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score for thorough and complete documentation of the incident.
  8. Post-incident review: Score of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score for comprehensive review and improvements made based on lessons learned.
  9. Measuring the effectiveness of incident response: Score of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score for accurate and effective metrics used to measure incident response performance.
  10. Emphasizing on Business continuity: Score of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score for effectively maintaining business continuity and minimizing disruption.

These scores can be used to evaluate one’s performance in incident response and identify areas for improvement. Overall score can be calculated by taking average of all scores.

The best score in the above evaluation system would be a total score of 50, which is achieved by getting a score of 5 in all 10 categories. This would indicate that the incident response process was fully prepared, effectively executed, and continuously improved with no room for improvement.

The worst score would be a total score of 10, which is achieved by getting a score of 1 in all 10 categories. This would indicate that the incident response process was poorly prepared, inefficiently executed, and had no improvement plan in place.

Of course, the actual scores will likely fall somewhere in between these two extremes, but these serve as the benchmarks for the best and worst possible outcomes.

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