Holiday Scams Can Ruin Your Season:

Dec 26, 2022

Tips for Spotting and Avoiding Phishing Attacks During the Holiday Season The holiday season is a time for joy and celebration, but unfortunately, it is also a time to be extra vigilant about scams. Every year, thousands of unsuspecting people fall victim to

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“Protect Yourself from “Browser in the Browser” Attacks”

Dec 24, 2022

What You Need to Know and How to Protect Yourself Cyber threats are a constant concern for internet users. One type of attack you should be aware of is a “browser in the browser” attack. This involves using a malicious browser extension or

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Phishing: Threat Actor’s Favourite Tool | C9 Lab

Dec 13, 2022

What is Phishing? Phishing is a simple and effective way to obtain sensitive information from unsuspecting victims, such as login credentials or financial information. In a phishing attack, the hacker creates a fake website or email that looks legitimate, and tricks the victim

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