News Corp Data Breach : State-Sponsored Attackers Had Access to Network for Two Years

Feb 28, 2023
News Corp Data Breach

Last year, News Corp disclosed a data breach that it said had been carried out by state-sponsored attackers. However, in a recent letter to employees, News Corp revealed that the attackers had actually been on their network for nearly two years by the time the breach was discovered. The intrusion began in February 2020 and was detected only in January 2022.

During this period, the attackers had access to business documents and emails relating to a limited number of employees. The stolen data included employee names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers, and health insurance numbers. However, there is no evidence that any of the personnel information was exploited, suggesting that the breach was primarily an intelligence-gathering mission.

The Growing Threat of State-Sponsored Attacks on Organizations

State-sponsored attackers are known for their persistence and skill, and can often evade detection for long periods of time. In this case, it is not clear why it took News Corp nearly two years to detect the intrusion. On average, it takes organizations around 200 days to detect a breach, according to the 2021 Cost of a Data Breach Report by IBM Security. However, the time to detection can vary widely depending on the organization’s security posture, the nature of the attack, and the sophistication of the attacker.

In this case, it is possible that the attackers used advanced techniques to evade detection, such as using stolen credentials or masquerading as legitimate users. Alternatively, News Corp may not have had adequate detection and response capabilities in place, which would have made it more difficult to detect the intrusion.

Investing in Proactive Cybersecurity Measures to Minimize Risk

The breach serves as a reminder that organizations must take a proactive approach to cybersecurity to protect themselves against state-sponsored attacks. This includes investing in advanced threat detection tools, regularly testing defenses, and providing cybersecurity training for employees. By doing so, organizations can help to minimize the risk of becoming a victim of this kind of attack, and protect themselves against potentially serious consequences.

The incident also highlights the growing threat posed by state-sponsored attackers, who are increasingly using sophisticated techniques to gain access to sensitive data and monitor the activities of targeted organizations. These attacks can have serious consequences, as they can enable attackers to gain a significant advantage in areas like business strategy, market intelligence, and political influence.

In conclusion, the News Corp breach underscores the need for organizations to remain vigilant and take a proactive approach to cybersecurity to protect themselves against state-sponsored attacks. Organizations must invest in advanced detection and response capabilities, regularly test their defenses, and provide cybersecurity training to employees. By doing so, they can help to minimize the risk of becoming a victim of this kind of attack and protect themselves against potentially serious consequences.

Tags: News Corp Data Breach, cybersecurity news, corp reveals hackers had access

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