Cybersecurity Case Study: Exposing a Malicious App Targeting Indian Bank Users

Cybersecurity Case Study: Exposing a Malicious App Targeting Indian Bank Users

Aug 1, 2024


This cybersecurity case study details the identification of a fraudulent mobile application targeting Indian bank customers. The C9Lab team, through its proactive monitoring efforts, discovered the app masquerading as a legitimate “Aadhaar Update” tool for Indian Bank. This case serves as a stark reminder of the evolving cyber threats and the importance of cybersecurity awareness. 

The Threat: 

The malicious app, disguised as “indian bank aadhar update35.apk,” utilized smishing tactics. Smishing involves sending deceptive SMS messages to trick users into downloading malware. In this instance, the message likely lured users with the urgency of updating their Aadhaar details, a critical identification document in India.   

Modus Operandi: 


Upon installation, the app requested excessive permissions, a red flag for any legitimate application. Once granted, the app gained remote access to the user’s device, potentially compromising sensitive information like bank credentials. The app then redirected users to a suspicious website, “,” further raising concerns. 

C9Lab’s Intervention: 

Cybersecurity Case Study: Exposing a Malicious App Targeting Indian Bank Users

C9Lab’s security specialists identified the malicious app through various techniques, including: 

  • Monitoring suspicious app downloads: C9Lab’s systems monitor app stores and online forums for unusual activity related to Indian banking apps. 
  • Website analysis:  The team investigated the “” website, likely a phishing site designed to steal user credentials. 
  • Domain name investigation:  C9Lab discovered that the domain hosting “” also hosted three other domains – “,” “,” and “” This clustering of seemingly unrelated domains is a common tactic used by cybercriminals. 

Real-World Impact of Similar Attacks: 

According to a report by CERT-In (Indian Computer Emergency Response Team), India witnessed a 13% increase in cyberattacks in 2021 compared to 2020. Smishing attacks specifically targeting bank customers are a prevalent threat. In 2022, a similar smishing campaign targeting HDFC Bank customers resulted in significant financial losses for unsuspecting victims.   

Lessons Learned and Best Practices: 

  • Never download applications from untrusted sources. Always rely on official app stores. 
  • Be cautious of SMS messages urging immediate action, especially those related to financial information. 
  • Pay close attention to app permissions. Granting excessive permissions is a red flag. 
  • Install and maintain reputable mobile security software. 
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your banking accounts. 


This case study demonstrates the critical role cybersecurity awareness plays in protecting individuals and organizations. By staying vigilant and adopting safe practices, we can significantly reduce the risk of falling prey to such cyberattacks. C9Lab remains committed to safeguarding the digital landscape by proactively identifying and mitigating cyber threats. 

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